Craniosacral Therapy for Animals

Craniosacral Therapy for cats

Heather receives Craniosacral Therapy from Dixie

Relieves pain / helps helping animals move and feel better
A gentle way to support the nervous and immune systems

Craniosacral Therapy (“CST”) releases pain, tensions and restrictions within the body and optimizes the nervous system using very gentle, light hands-on touch. During a CST session, I engage the tissues, membranes, sutures and bones within the body, and wait for signs of release, such as a softening of the tissues, increased movement, heat, etc.

By freeing restrictions within the body, CST improves movement and range of motion, relieves pain, reduces stress and promotes overall healing and wellbeing. By releasing trauma, strain and tension within the body, CST helps the body to return to normal healthy function.  It also encourages the healthy functioning of the central nervous system and supports the body’s natural ability and inclination to heal.

I have specialized training in Craniosacral Therapy for animals.

Craniosacral Therapy for animals

Heather relaxes as she receives Craniosacral Therapy from Dixie

Benefits of Craniosacral Therapy for animals

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is as gentle and effective for animals as it is for people.  CST helps to address a number of health and behaviour-related issues in animals. Some of the benefits of CST include:

  • relieves pain, tensions and restrictions within the body
  • encourages better movement, balance and stability
  • restores healthy body function
  • improves movement and range of motion
  • reduces stress
  • promotes overall health and wellbeing
  • optimizes the central nervous system
  • releases stored trauma, strain patterns and imbalances within the body
  • supports the body’s natural ability and inclination to heal
Craniosacral Therapy for animals

Wella benefited from Craniosacral Therapy after she had seizures

These animal-related issues benefit from Craniosacral Therapy
  • chronic limb problems / lameness / joint issues
  • difficulty standing, lying or moving in certain ways
  • restlessness / needing to shift position often
  • tendency toward leash pulling, biting, barking, stress responses
  • hyperactivity
  • dislike being touched
  • balance issues – vertigo, vestibular disease
  • seizures
  • head shaking, excessive licking
  • recovery from stroke
  • degenerative myelopathy
Why are distance healing sessions recommended for animals?

Eddie receives Craniosacral Therapy from Dixie after surgery

Listening to the body’s Inner Wisdom

I use a process-oriented approach to Craniosacral Therapy.  This means that I take my direction from the Inner Wisdom of the animal I am treating.  The animal’s Inner Wisdom knows what needs to happen–and in what order–for the body to function in the best way possible. My job is to listen to my animal’s Inner Wisdom and to treat the areas of the body where I am directed.

CST is not about ‘fixing’ an animal or doing something to the body. It is about being with, and working in cooperation with, the body’s Inner Wisdom and intelligence to bring about a greater state of wholeness, balance and function.

Inflammation and how the immune system responds to it

I find the world of cellular biology, biochemistry and cellular intelligence infinitely fascinating.  This is why I love doing process-oriented Craniosacral Therapy to address inflammation and the body’s immune response.  It enables me to palpate the immune system directly and to determine which tissues in the body are inflamed and which are not.

Not only can process-oriented CST help determine whether there is inflammation in a particular tissue, but it can identify whether the inflammation is acute or chronic, what aspects of the immune system are involved in the inflammatory process, and how the immune system is responding to the inflammation. The affected area can then be treated with greater precision.

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